Learning to study in a short time for exams

According to NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement), high school students spend an average of 10–13 hours a week on homework and schoolwork, and only 11% of students spend more than 25 hours a week.

Of course, the time you are in school is not calculated! With a simple calculation, you will find that students spend at least 8 hours of their daily time studying after designing a basic lesson plan.
Spending 13 hours a day to study and study shows the high importance of the story. Of course, this period of time is not enough to learn several different topics! Therefore, as a high school and entrance exam student, it is necessary to learn the methods of studying in a short time. In the following, you will get to know the study and study techniques in the shortest time, which will cause your grades to jump amazingly.be with us.
study in a short time for exams
How to study to be successful?
Is quality more important or quantity? How to learn heavy subjects of high school or entrance examination and even elementary school in a short period of time? Do we need a tutor to succeed?

Most of the students are looking to get high grades in a short time, but they don’t know exactly what tips to follow. Is it really possible to get a high score in a few weeks or days? Yes, it is possible! Provided that you know how to study in a short time. In the following, you will learn tips that will help you achieve high grades

Curriculum; The first step on the way to study
The first and, of course, one of the most important actions you must take is lesson planning; A viable and complete program that can cover all the subjects you need. Setting a daily routine is the main advantage of planning, which acts as a powerful stimulus to study in the shortest time. For this, you can use the checkbox and enter executable and implemented tasks.

In addition to learning, time management practices are also necessary. Do not postpone important tasks to the last minute! You may be relieved that you have completed all the tasks, but they will definitely not be of good quality. Even if you are an entrance exam student, no matter how much you know how to study, nothing will go ahead without entrance exam planning.

Forget excesses
One of the biggest problems of students in studying is lack of balance. If you have little time to study or your exam is coming up, you don’t need to read all 15 chapters of the book! Based on the loading of the chapters, act as an excerpt and prioritize the important sections. It is definitely better to learn 10 chapters from zero to 100 than to rush through 15 chapters.

Also, focusing on a particular subject will also cause the loss of grades in other parts. To achieve the desired score and percentage, it is necessary to maintain balance and study based on your existing priorities and abilities.

Do not neglect the images and examples
Using pictures and concrete examples is one of the best ways to learn lessons, especially in biology and chemistry. According to research, the brain shows more attention and interest in images and infographics than text and keeps them in memory more

Do not neglect the images and examples
Using pictures and concrete examples is one of the best ways to learn lessons, especially in biology and chemistry. According to research, the brain shows more attention and interest in images and infographics than text and keeps them in memory more.

Also, sometimes it becomes difficult to learn the concepts. In such cases, we can use concrete examples and formulas, definitions, etc. attribute to the objects around us. You must remember how easy and fun it was to memorize the periodic table of elements with poetry!

Study in a quiet environment
Studying at home, where it is full of crowds, is naturally difficult. In such cases, studying in the library, school and university can be a good choice considering the scientific atmosphere. In addition to this, it is necessary to remove all factors that cause distraction and decrease concentration. Mobile phones and social networks are at the top of the list of factors that reduce concentration, gather your attention!

Do not go to new topics
Yes! If you have less than 24 hours, it is suggested not to go to new topics! When you read a passage for the first time, it takes several readings for the material to move from short-term memory to long-term memory. If you don’t have time to review, it is better to skip the new content; Because in the end, the impressive point will not remain in your memory. Put all your focus on the material you have already studied and repeat and practice in the remaining time.active study; The best way to study in groups

You might ask yourself what exactly does active learning mean?
As the name suggests, you must become an active learner! Active study is one of the popular study methods; Especially when you are short on time. Many students use this method just before the exam and teach each other different points and finally get a very good result. To become an active student, it is enough to observe the following:

Have group discussions and challenge each other’s reasons with arguments.
Like a teacher, explain lessons to your friends and answer their questions.
Have a preliminary study. Write down your questions and ask the teacher at the right time.
Get help from your room to study! Write important formulas on paper and stick them on the wall of the room. In this case, you will come across important points every moment.
As you read, relate different parts to each other, create new questions from the book and challenge your mind.
Be sure to rest
Resting does not mean laziness; Rather, if it is in balance, it will increase the ability of the mind. The duration of your biology study is two hours? It is better to divide it into two periods of 45 minutes and a 15-minute break.If you haven’t used this method before, check out the Pomodoro technique!

The Pomodoro technique is one of the famous study methods that increase focus and accuracy. In this way, we use short intervals for studying and a few minutes rest between them. In this way, the content will be recorded in your mind sooner and longer.

Study smart!
Studying 24 hours a day is not always synonymous with success! Sometimes we need smart performance more than success. Many educational resources and academic advisors push students towards full-time study and astronomical study hours, not realizing that success does not depend on very high study hours.

If we have active study, forget excesses, use summarization and video training and have proper planning, training will definitely be possible in a short period of time. This is where the jump tutor package comes to our aid. This educational collection provides students with all the necessary tips for success by offering a flexible program. For more information, you can visit the jump training site

Seeing books piled on top of each other and the volume of unread lessons during exams may make you feel bad and you may be confused as to how you can get out of the trouble you have created for yourself. We introduce you to short-term planning methods so that you can get rid of all this confusion in the shortest possible time.

In this part of the secrets of success in Nemanak, we are going to teach you shortcuts so that you can learn how to study properly in a short time and make useful use of the remaining time until the exams.

The correct way to study
what do you lack
By examining your weak and strong points in the course material and instead of reviewing the parts that you have mastered completely, go to the parts of the book that you have not done the exercises and the contents of which remain unread.Don’t go through all the books on the day before the exam; If you haven’t read a lesson yet and haven’t solved its exercises, one of the best shortcuts you can use is to go to the questions related to each lesson and study the parts of the book that you didn’t have an answer to.

Because even though there is little time left, only with the help of the tests and exercises of each section, you can understand which of the sections you have weaknesses or strengths. Therefore, in the first step, focus only on the exercises and sections that you have mastered. You have less on them

Do not let doubt in your heart

For the second step, you should re-read the parts of the book that you find difficult to remember. For this, you have to read the obscure parts of the book. And for example, if out of 5 pages you read, you realize that one page is not well in your mind, you should go to it once more and by reviewing that content, place it completely in your brain.

By implementing this technique, you can reduce your anxiety during the exam session and don’t let anything bother you.

look at yourself

Make sure that you make a plan for yourself that is in harmony with your mental conditions and the timing of your life, and never make a plan for conditions that you are not able to provide.

For example, if you have a habit of sleeping at a certain time or you are not able to read more than you can, do not plan. Because they are sure that you will not be able to handle such a program.Never use the methods of your other friends in studying in the days before the exams because it may be too much for you to lift a stone.

The best way is to plan as before and just add a quarter more to your study hours and choose the best times for learning according to your habit.

Do not close the program

One of the principles that you must follow is that when you determine the program for yourself, try to proceed according to the same program and stay faithful to it, and do not replace it with any other work or lesson, and according to the set time. And continue the program you set. Even if you missed other lessons or need to review it again. Because by doing this, you may destroy your entire planning and not stick to it

Make up for the lack of work

You may be left with a question that if for any reason we could not proceed according to the schedule and you were left behind in some hours, how should you make up for the backlog? In response to this question, we must say that you must include an hour in the schedule you set as a make-up hour or delayed content.

So that if you missed a part of your program during the day and did not review a lesson completely, go to it at the appointed hour and complete it. In this way, you can complete your program on the same day and get the best result.

You must be able to succeed in exams, be like a runner who only looks ahead and the finish line, and putting compensatory hours in your lesson planning will also help you reach your goal.

get help

In order to make the path of success smoother in exams, you can use collective thinking. For example, if one of your friends is good at physics or biology, or you yourself are good at another subject, you can help each other in learning that subject, or any Summarize which part of the important topics and pamphlets of the lessons and exchange with each other. In this way, you can proceed more accurately and quickly and learn the material better.

don’t look back

You should try and learn from your past mistakes and don’t let past low grades or failure in the previous semester’s exams spoil your schedule.

Remove stress and think about making up for previous grades and move forward with hope. Because the stress and tension you create for yourself will make you judge yourself cruelly and not get the desired result

Do not cross out any lessons

Do not study selectively. Each of the contents of the textbooks is important and we should not fail to read and learn it and do not read it thinking that the questions cannot be asked.

These things will cause you not to get a good grade from it and you will damage your rank in the entrance exam because of this mistake. Therefore, you are advised to give value to all the lessons and check their points carefully.

Don’t think about entrance exam

You must read all the parts of a book in order and carefully because all the contents are connected like a chain and in order not to break the chain in your mind, you must also read the parts that you think have no questions so that you can It is better to learn the important things after the less important parts of the lesson, for example, if the first 3 lessons of a book do not have specific questions, it should still be studied so that you can understand the topics of the fourth part of the book well and the field of work will be in your hand.

Don’t overdo it

Don’t focus on just one lesson. Because overdoing it and not doing enough in studying another lesson, you won’t get the desired result that you worked hard for.

Try to maintain a balance in all subjects and spend the same amount of time on all subjects.Because studying a lot in a subject you are more interested in makes you stop reading the contents of other books, and this is a mistake that most students make.

For example, students who study in the experimental field and spend most of their time studying the biology course should not ignore the Arabic course, or students who study in the humanities field and spend most of their time studying literature courses. and spends less time on math lessons, they will not get the desired result in the exams

Writing down things

By writing down the things you have to do the next day, you can make the best use of your time and the next day and prioritize your plans based on their importance.

For example, imagine that you wake up in the morning and you don’t have a plan for that day and you are confused about what lesson to study, and this makes it take an hour for you to make the final decision and determine what lesson to study that day.

Read and because you didn’t set a specific time for it, it will take you hours to finish a topic and you will easily lose a day. If successful people always know the night before what they have to do tomorrow.

Studying aloud

With this technique, you can repeat it out loud after reading the desired content and points and understanding its meaning, so that you can repeat the content one more time and hear them at the same time.

This will make you learn the subject you want better and more fluently. Just like imagining a person in front of you that you are going to teach and teach him all the things you read.

Dealing with temptations

Turn off your phones while studying or put away anything that makes you tempted to go to it for a few minutes.

Because you may suddenly be tempted right in the middle of studying and go to your mobile phone and want to roam around in the virtual space for a few minutes, which is the biggest loss during your study time

Use flash cards

In order to be able to understand some points, definitions or explanations more easily and to help me remember the contents, it is better to write them down and make them into flash cards so that by reading them you can better remember the contents in your mind. do.

Before we get to the point, I would like to have a friendly word with you. Stress and anxiety are one of the most important factors in learning that come to us during exams. A significant part of this stress comes from the fact that we know we haven’t studied well enough to pass the exam. Don’t get me wrong, we don’t mean the amount of study hours, but the quality of your study. That’s why this stress has overcome us and makes us forget even the things we are good at.

The main reason for our low quality and superficial knowledge is lack of familiarity with study skills.Skills such as mental mapping, speed reading, memory enhancement techniques or even increasing concentration will all make us study better and, as a result, perform better in upcoming tests and exams. In fact, with the help of study skills, we can save our time without reducing the quality of our study and learning. In the rest of the article, we will see together how these study skills and techniques improve our learning.

Why is it important to find a way to study for the exam?
As we said, getting to know effective study methods will help us to prepare for exams better than before. Many people think that they have poor memory or low IQ. While in most cases they just don’t know how to use their brain and its capabilities.Getting to know study skills and integrating them with study methods for exams will help us succeed. In addition, by learning these methods, we will get rid of the fear and stress of not passing the exams. Getting rid of stress will allow us to focus more both during studying and during exams. Concentration is a vital and decisive factor in our life that can change the quality and result of any work.

But in general, you should prepare yourself to participate in the exams and pass them according to the points that we mention below. These points include:

Methods of reading and reviewing materials
Focus on what you don’t know
In the following, we will teach you how by implementing each of these methods, you can choose the best method for studying in high school or university during the exam night.So stay with us

The first step; Using the correct methods of reading and reviewing materials
According to Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, learning is the same as remembering. Reading and recording the contents in the mind is not very difficult. But it is very important for us to be able to memorize the material as we have read it and remember it later. It doesn’t matter how much content we put in our mind. These materials become valuable when we can record them in our memory. So, after reading the material, it is important to remember the material first and then to remember it. Most of us have had this experience of forgetting course material. Even though we have spent hours studying and memorizing them. But why does this happen?

The first thing that causes us to forget and erase information from our memory is not not browsing, but not knowing how to browse properly.Many of us underline important things while reading or end up marking them with a marker. In fact, many of us are still not familiar with summarizing methods. That’s why we don’t know how to take notes so that we can review our notes later. The best tool for taking notes and summarizing is mind mapping. With the help of this method, we can summarize and categorize a large amount of exam course material in a mental map. In this way, we will not have any trouble to review them. Now let’s see what other tips and techniques can help us to succeed in browsing.

Do not bombard your brain with information!
One of the mistakes we make especially during exams is that we want to make up for all our shortcomings and negligence in the 24 hours leading up to the exam.This makes our brain buried under a pile of new information and content at once. As a result, we will not be able to categorize and analyze these new materials well.

Also, the stress that comes from not learning these things is very dangerous. The best way to study for the night of the exam is to learn the material little by little with short breaks between each material. In this way, we learn the material, our mind does not get tired and we do not get extra stress. Also, because this strategy does not tire our brain, it can help to increase the speed of reading

It is better to prepare for the exam according to the available conditions and the time you have. This will make you get the most out of your study hours.

Learning skills like speed reading along with proper planning will help you read your lessons accurately and on time. In addition to increasing the speed, speed reading will also increase the quality and accuracy of your reading several times.

Frequent review of content
Another strategy that can help us succeed in exams is reviewing material regularly. This can neutralize the effects of the forgetting curve. In order to be able to review the material well, you must constantly take notes of everything you read.

These summaries will help you to remember well if you don’t understand or forget a part of an article.But the thing about this strategy is that you usually have to prepare for it in advance. So for this you definitely need a summary. As we said before, using mind maps is the best method of summarizing. In addition, it will take us much less time to review the contents that we have written down in a mental map. So we can review more content in the time we have. Such content is better recorded in our long-term memory.
In the following, we will teach you other correct methods that you can use to study even the night before the exam.

When should we start studying?
The time to start studying is one of the important factors for choosing the best method of studying for the exam. But these factors are mostly due to the people themselves.For example, there are many people who prefer to stay up at night and study for exams. Interestingly, these people learn more at night than during the day.

But on the other hand, there are other people who prefer to start studying for exams early in the morning. It doesn’t matter whether you are more comfortable at night or during the day, the important thing is to choose exactly the time that is most suitable for your study and not to care about what others say. Don’t forget to try to use your time effectively to learn

Flipping the text is one of the best ways to study for the exam
Before you start, pick up the book, notebook, pamphlet, sample question, or anything else you’re going to read for the exam and try to check it with a simple and quick glance. You don’t have to pay attention to the details and just read the headlines. This will introduce you to what you are about to read. With the help of this strategy, you will be able to understand the volume of each section. If this is difficult for you, we suggest you read the article on increasing the field of view. The exercises in this article will help you see more words in each eye pause.

Then plan your study according to the volume of the material and your level of familiarity with them. In this way, we no longer spend a lot of time on a subject that we know well or that is not very important in the exam.This can also reduce our stress.

Short and purposeful rests
Another way to succeed in exams is to take regular breaks while studying. This will give your brain a chance to recover energy and get ready to learn new things. When you study continuously and non-stop, your brain gets tired and its efficiency decreases. It is better to rest for a few minutes after you have achieved each of your goals and then return to studying.

Self-examination, the second correct method of studying for the exam night
Mistakes and problems are our greatest friends. They help us become more aware of our knowledge of a subject and do something to improve it.One of the things you need to do to succeed in the exams is to find your weaknesses and find a solution to overcome them. For this reason, you should constantly test yourself while studying different materials to identify problems.
To deny, you can solve the related exercises after reading each section. Then compare your answers with the correct answer and find out in which parts you have more problems

A very important point in this strategy is accepting weaknesses and coping with them. Of course, this coping does not mean that we should abandon our problems and weaknesses. Rather, we should solve these problems by identifying them and choosing the best methods of studying for the exam. The most important thing is to stay calm and not lose focus when facing these problems. Most of us lose ourselves when we realize that we do not know a part of the material very well. In addition to causing us a lot of stress, this work will also decrease our learning rate.

Our big mistake is that we think that in order to understand a text, we have to read it word by word. This issue itself greatly reduces the speed of our study.The best solution is to learn to read phrases instead of reading words, which happens to be one of the most important tricks for speed reading.

Finding the best way to study for exam night with mindset correction
It may seem strange, but as much as it is important to review the material that we know, it is equally important to focus on other parts that we have not learned well. But for this, there are different strategies in front of us, with the help of which we can focus on other subjects and learn them well. You can also use this strategy even as one of the speed reading methods for the entrance exam.These strategies include:

Thinking about the teacher and the classroom
The right attitude
Short and purposeful rests
Remembering the classroom
One of the methods that can help you learn new material is to remember the classroom. This will make you remember the important points and parts of the lesson better and learn more easily. Also, remembering the class and the teacher, which is considered one of the right ways to study for the exam, will make you remember what points the teacher emphasized more and may ask questions from those sections.

But this strategy requires that you have an active presence in the class and remember the teacher’s teaching. In fact, being focused in class is the most important factor that you should pay attention to. If we come to class without concentration, it’s as if we didn’t go to class at all.But if this does not apply to you, do not worry because we have other solutions for you. Using these strategies will help you choose the right way to study for the exam

Do you think it is possible to reach a certain destination without a goal? From passing a class exam to getting a good rank in the entrance exam, it is possible only by setting goals. Goal setting helps people progress in several ways. First, with its help, many obstacles and upcoming events will be identified. As a result, you will be ready to deal with them. Also, setting goals will help you plan your studies. Once your goals are clear, planning to achieve them will be easier than ever.

Also, having good and achievable goals increase the motivation to study. The motivation and desire to study is the most important motivating factor that can make studying enjoyable and beneficial for you.

Of course, remember that everyone needs tools to achieve their goals.Study tools are nothing but study skills such as speed reading, mental mapping or even memory techniques. It’s better to think about it before it’s too late and the stress of the exam night gets to you.

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